The king of men's shoes. They can be classy, they can be formal, they can be casual, loafers are essential to every man's shoe collection. Let's start with the most obvious; No laces. You just slip your feet in and you are good to go. Another advantage of loafers is that they come in a great variety of styles and colors. Their natural versatility will earn them a permanent place in your style rotations.

Our loafer selection offers a pair for each taste and preference. Atlantis handmade loafers look sharp and stylish with jeans, chinos or trousers for more formal occasions.
The natural and high quality leather we use during production prevents any odor so they are perfect for sockless wear.
Unlike our competitors, we don't keep stock. All our Atlantis loafers are really handmade upon order so you can mix any color and leather type as you want.
Can't decide? Drop us an email and we will do our best to guide you.
Coming up next on the 2nd part of the must have shoes for every man series; Boots.
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